On October 28, 12:00-1:30 p.m., the Corporate Coalition and nine partner organizations will host a virtual event to help companies meet the challenges of the “war for talent” and advance their equity objectives. We will showcase employer initiatives on critical workforce strategies, including:
- Building employee resilience and well-being to enhance retention and success
- Creating new promotion ladders to develop talent and enhance retention
- Expanding understanding of employee life challenges and structural barriers through surveys
- Rethinking job requirements to broaden the talent pool and increase equity
- Second-chance hiring strategies—effective sourcing and internal policy challenges
- Going where the talent is—making location decisions
In two sets of break-out sessions covering these topics and more, attendees will learn first-hand from business leaders about practices they’ve implemented, including both successes and pitfalls. Expect insights, connections, and practical information to enrich thinking and inspire action.
Register today and forward this invitation to your colleagues!